A DNAngel Fanzine

⋄ about ⋄

This free digital zine showcases fan works focussed on bonds between DNAngel characters.
It explores what ties characters together, may it be blood, a mutual interest, a relationship, etc.
We were looking for submissions of illustrations, photography, poems, short stories and short comics related to the theme and canon universe of the series.It is a non-profit compilation modded by two fans, for fans.

⋄ FAQ ⋄

⋄ What is a zine?
A zine is an amateur compilation of fan works (fanart, fanfiction and more) featured in a magazine-like format and often focusing on a specific topic/theme.
This zine is digital only.
⋄ What is this zine about?
This DNAngel zine compiles fan works focussed on bonds between characters. It explores what ties characters together, may it be blood, a mutual interest, a relationship, etc. Artists were encouraged to be creative, but to keep in mind that focus should be on the canon universe.
⋄ What's the rating of this zine?
This zine is SFW with potential mature themes treated accordingly to the original series.
⋄ Is this zine free?
Yes, and distributed online.
⋄ Do I own the piece I made for the zine?
All rights to your works belong to you and you may do whatever you want with your art.
However, please do not reveal your piece online before April 1st 2022.
⋄ What type of submissions was allowed?
Artists could submit any type of original, unpublished fan work as long as it didn't reuse any copyrighted material.
They had to take into consideration that it would be released in a PDF file. Thus videos, GIF, edits, traced art and other dynamic or copyright-sensitive pieces were not allowed.
⋄ What size were pieces supposed to be?
Visual art: Piece were required to be A4, 75 DPI, but artists were allowed to change proportions. They had to keep in mind that pieces would be on a vertical A4-format page. Final pieces should also have been either in PNG or one layer PSD file format.
Comic: Final pieces were expected to be maximum 4 page-long.
Written Art: Final pieces were expected to be maximum 2000 word-long.
⋄ Could anyone apply? How high quality did pieces need to be?
All skill levels were welcome in the zine. However, artists were encouraged to make sure they showcased the best of their abilities!
⋄ Were alternative universes (AU), original characters (OC) and crossovers allowed?
Focus is on the canon universe. Little deviations from canon were fine, as long as they fit the series (and its anime adaptation.)
⋄ Could artists submit more than 1 piece for the zine?
Artists were free to submit up to 3 pieces.

⋄ schedule ⋄

2021 Nov 15 - Dec 26Theme Selection
2021 Dec 28Theme Reveal
2022 Jan 1Submissions Opening
2022 Feb 28Submissions Closed
2022 Mar 20Fanzine Release

⋄ participate ⋄

You want to send your fan work to see it featured in the DNAngel Bonds zine? You're at the right place!We are looking for submissions of illustrations, photography, poems, short stories and short comics related to the theme, "Bonds," and canon universe of the series.
Your piece should explore what ties characters together, may it be blood, a mutual interest, a relationship, etc. You can be creative!
Written Art: Final pieces should be maximum 2000 word-long.
Visual Art: Final pieces should be either in PNG or one layer PSD file format.
Fanart: Your piece should be A4, 75 DPI, but feel free to change proportions. Keep in mind that your piece will be on a vertical A4-format page.
Comic: Final pieces should be maximum 4 page-long, 75 DPI, but feel free to change proportions. Keep in mind that your piece will be on maximum 4 vertical A4-format pages.
Submission Form
Please send the following information alongside your piece:
Name you want to be credited as
⋄ A non-copyrighted avatar for the website lineup (optional)
⋄ Links to your website/social media accounts you want to associate with your name (optional)
⋄ A short text about your bond with DNAngel that will appear in the zine. (optional)
Written art: If you want to be beta read or not (optional; you will be beta read by default.)

⋄ mods ⋄

⋄ LAN ⋄ Mod & Beta Reader
I like writing for the side characters of DNAngel and exploring their experiences.

Relevant Experience
⋄ DNcember, DNSeasons & DNHalloween events - Host
DNAngel Bonds Zine - Mod
DNAngel drabbles writer

⋄ KEIKO ⋄ Mod & Graphic Designer
Hi! I'm Keiko, also known as the bad cop of this zine! I'm helping out on desktop publishing and stanning side characters!

Relevant Experience
⋄ Degree in DTP and editing
DNAngel Discord server - Mod
⋄ DNUnofficial (Twitter) - Community Manager
DNAngel fanfiction writer

⋄ lineup ⋄

⋄ Artists ⋄

⋄ Writers ⋄

⋄ download ⋄

The Bonds zine is available in two formats: the Dual Pages and the Single Page versions.
While the original Dual Pages version offers a digital experience close to books via a layout in spreads, the Single Page version and its vertical format is easily printable.
If each version has its own original cover, the content remains identical! Enjoy!